Make Your Year-End Gift, A New Beginning for the Homeless

Our Projects

Housing the Homeless

Since we became a 501(c)3, we have acquired three properties—a duplex in Allegan, a single-family home in Otsego, and a mobile home in Kalamazoo.  We currently have a veteran, a single-man, and two families of 3, all previously homeless, in our properties.

To provide homes for those without, we must purchase or be gifted houses. Campsites and hotels are expensive and only provide a temporary solution.


How you can help.


If you are interested in volunteering, click the link below.   Some of the positions we are looking for are Board members, help with fundraisers, help with maintenance and upgrades to our properties, solutions coaching with clients, and grant writing.


Help house the homeless!  If you would like to donate to a specific project, please note the project on the donation form (ex: Period Warriors).

We have other projects that are still in their beginning stages.

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